Daniel Johnston
13 . 7 . 2020
A few days ago while looking through some notes, I came across the following poem, I realise I have quoted it before while looking at the life of Enoch. Yet it has struck me again, as we have recently passed 100 days of lockdown.
A series of questions have posed themselves to me.
Am I walking with God?
Do I know and experience his presence with me everyday?
Is my experience of God, one of head knowledge or intimate day by day acquaintance? Hearing, Knowing and understanding his leading and guiding?
Am I walking closer with God than I was when lockdown commenced? If not Why not?
Since lockdown commenced who have I spoken to concerning Christ?
Have I been walking with God?
He walked with God.
He walked with God, could grandeur words be written,
Not much of what he thought or said is told,
Not where or what he taught is ever mentioned,
He walked with God, brief words of fadeless Gold.
How many souls were succoured on his journey,
Helped by his words or prayers we do not know,
Still this we read - words of excelling grandeur
He walked with God, while yet he walked below.
And after years, long years of such blest walking,
One day he walked, then was not, God, said come,
Come from this scene of weary sin stained sadness,
Come to the fuller fellowship of home.
Such be the tribute of thy pilgrim journey,
When lifes last mile thy feet have bravely trod,
When thou hast gone to all that there awaits thee,
This simple epitaph - He walked with God.
For our conversation (manner of life) is in heaven, from also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil 3: 20