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Think on These Things

Thomas Stephen

4 . 5 . 2020

Dear brother and sister as Covid 19 takes centre stage for governments, in media and the general populous and understandably can become all consuming, it's good in the privacy of our own homes to take time with the scriptures in the presence of our Lord Jesus.

My attention was arrested when thinking of current circumstances which are affecting us all, with the 4 words "think on these things" from Philippians 4 v 8 "Finally brethren whatsoever things are true...honest...just...pure...lovely...of good report...if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things" Allow me to expand a little on the contextual significance of these.

True. - nothing hidden, nothing concealed.

Honest. - honourable in respect of deeds.

Just. - relating to our duties and responsibilities.

Pure. - from every fault/immaculate

Lovely. - acceptable and pleasing.

Good report. - things spoken in a kindly spirit with goodwill to others

Virtue. - moral excellence.

Praise. - worthy of praise and approbation (my beloved Son in whom I am well Pleased)

In chapter 2 we have brought before us the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ and
In chapter 4 v 8 His moral excellence and glory

How profitable to "think on these things", to consider Christ in all the Scriptures.

Hymn 209 (New Believers). Thoughts of:

His love
His sojourn
His glory
His coming

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